Monday, May 19, 2008

Look who's back...!

Firstly, apologies for the lack of updates since my last blog... I would go into EVERYTHING that I've done since October 2006, but I could be here a while.... So it's probably best to start afresh from now! (Australia was amazing though...!)

Various events over the last few weeks have resulted in me spending a lot of time doing something that I usually try to avoid; Reflecting on my life, and wondering in which direction it's going to take me next. I haven't yet found all of the answers to the many questions continually flying around my head, but I am at least starting to make some progress in the right direction.

I've also realised how valuable the recording of your daily "musings" can be, not just as an opportunity for the person writing them (eg. ME!) to vent their frustrations or share they successes, but how they also to serve as a permanent reminder of an an exact point in time. It is for those reasons that I've decided to start Blogging again.

This is for you Sam - "You were truly inspirational. Keep dancing on those Kitchen Tiles..."

1 comment:

Tor said...

Brilliant to read your blog, well done for restarting it! Heres to many more entries. Sam would be proud...