Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Second installment

Awooga !!

It's been an exciting/eventful couple of days in my little world. On Wednesday we paid off the balance for our trip to Australia. The lady I spoke to at Qantas was called "Kylie" which I thought was quite funny. We also managed to upgrade our accommodation to "Raffles Plaza" which looks absolutely amazing and is much nearer the centre of town than the previously booked hotel so that hopefully means less walking for me. Wednesday evening I popped into ASDA to get some batteries for out kitchen scales and got a mouthful of abuse from another shopper. Lets just say that it would never have happened in Waitrose....

On Thurday I was a good boy and managed to do all of my meds without being nagged to do them. As a reward, sally made me some chocolate covered marshmallows (with sprinkles)- they are my favourite at the moment ! Yum!

And yesterday me and Sal went into town as it was Cedric from her works leaving do. We went to the outlook and I saw lots of people that I haven't seen for ages. It was really nice, and i'm really glad I went. Clancey even played pool, but was well aware that "Barbie wouldn't have approved" so we'll let her off just this once..

It's now Saturday morning and I have a slight hangover (hence being up at this un-Godley hour). I think we're going to go shopping for Sofa's today, which hopefully won't be quite so much of an ordeal as shopping for bedroom furnature was.

Anyway, I think it's breakfast time now..

Song for today: Australia - Manic Street Preachers

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